So you have a bunch of old film negatives and slide positives lying around. Most of us will look at them, wonder what secrets they hide and dismiss them as clutter. Savvy techies will use mobile film scanners to scan old film negatives.
With these affordable gadgets, you can quickly revive old 35mm films and slides with your smartphone camera. One of our favorite tools for the job is a compact tabletop film scanner from KODAK.
To share old photos with your friends, you just have to scan the pictures with your smartphone. Keep reading to find out how it works.
Here’s how it works
It’s not complicated at all. This tool will help you avoid the headache of professional conversation services. That means you’re saving money since going to the professionals can be expensive.
With this device, you can free yourself from heavy, bulky scanning equipment. You don’t have to deal with a messy jumble of wires, either. Speaking of which, use these five tricks to organize messy cords and cables.
Overall, this gadget is pretty easy to use. It comes with a collapsible cardboard platform and film tray. Plus, it has an LED backlight that illuminates your old images.